Dasrun Hidayat '


Nemui-Nyimah Representation Values and Local Wisdom Imagery as Public Relations
Multicultural Lampung is the problem being studied. Nemui-Nyimah as the object of study has
the meaning that Lampung as citizens of a friendly and open, accepting with open hearts to the
presence of people from outside Lampung or non-indigenous. Nemui-Nyimah become one of
the basic concepts of Lampung slogan “Sang Bumi Khua Jukhai.” That is, the earth symbolizes
that one as indigenous Lampung very concerned to open up, invite other ethnic or non-indigenous
to jointly promote Lampung. Lampung be a pluralist approach multiculturalism is reflected on
the meaning of “khua jukhai” means two doors that indigenous and non-indigenous. Study
focuses on the representation of the value of local knowledge and Imagery as Public Relations
Multicultural Lampung. Construct meaning systemically about Lampung cultural diversity that
has historically been prepared since the Dutch colonial era as a multicultural region. In
conclusion, the concept of values-Nyimah Nemui currently incarnated in the attitudes and behavior
of a pluralist society and represent Lampung, Lampung as a Multicultural Public Relations.

Nemui-Nyimah Representation Values and Local Wisdom Imagery as Public Relations
Multicultural Lampung is the problem being studied. Nemui-Nyimah as the object of study has
the meaning that Lampung as citizens of a friendly and open, accepting with open hearts to the
presence of people from outside Lampung or non-indigenous. Nemui-Nyimah become one of
the basic concepts of Lampung slogan “Sang Bumi Khua Jukhai.” That is, the earth symbolizes
that one as indigenous Lampung very concerned to open up, invite other ethnic or non-indigenous
to jointly promote Lampung. Lampung be a pluralist approach multiculturalism is reflected on
the meaning of “khua jukhai” means two doors that indigenous and non-indigenous. Study
focuses on the representation of the value of local knowledge and Imagery as Public Relations
Multicultural Lampung. Construct meaning systemically about Lampung cultural diversity that
has historically been prepared since the Dutch colonial era as a multicultural region. In
conclusion, the concept of values-Nyimah Nemui currently incarnated in the attitudes and behavior
of a pluralist society and represent Lampung, Lampung as a Multicultural Public Relations.

Key words: nemui nyimah, representation of local values, multicultural public relations.

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